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A Guide to End Your Internship in the Most Productive Way

Estimated reading time ~ 3 min
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Congratulations intern! You’ve worked hard going to school, interning, and maintaining a social life, somehow. You’re living proof that it’s possible. Now that you’re wrapping up your experience, follow our tips to end your internship the Jopwell way.

Ensure that any required documents are signed for your internship to count as school credit. Listen, those first few weeks of the semester are crazy! If your internship is for school credit, double-check that you have all your slips signed by the right people before you start school.

Gather your artifacts for your ‘kudos’ folder. Your kudos folder is all of your amazing work that received the recognition it deserved. This is a great resource to create for yourself so that you can keep track of and reflect on your accomplishments. It’s also helpful when you’re updating your resume and meeting with your point person.

Schedule meetings with HR. Don’t wait until the last minute to meet with human resources. This is your time to ask and assess additional opportunities, including full-time positions, within the company.

Write your own guide for the next intern. Remember your first week? How were you feeling? What is something that you know now that you wish you did before?

Connect and have lunch with your professional faves. They can endorse your skills, help you in the future, or simply be there for inspo and encouragement! It’s also super beneficial to hear the stories of those in the position that you want to be in.

Update your resume. Get on that swiftly so you can accurately recall what you have done during your time. You should ask your manager for feedback.

Gather your KPIs. Your resume should be specific to your accomplishments and you should be showing more than telling. Numbers are amazing at doing just that. These are great points to include if you’re a:

Finance intern

  • Number of clients you supported
  • Revenue you supported
  • Customer ratings/satisfaction percentage
  • Billable hours
  • Increase in profits

Tech intern

  • Response rates
  • Efficiency rates
  • Revenue you supported
  • Customers you supported

Start-up intern

  • Describe your contributions
  • New products you worked on
  • New revenue you supported
  • New customers you created
  • Funding you helped secure

Thank your manager and everyone you worked with for teaching you and bringing you on. Always thank the people you’ve interacted with because they either taught you something about the company, the field, or yourself.

Reflect and ask for feedback. Reflect on your experience and sit down with your point person to go over your accomplishments (kudos folder) and areas of improvement. It’s always good to know what you can do better for your next opportunity or full-time position at that company.

Secure your mentors. Mentors are similar to your professional faves but they are more involved in your professional development. Choose wisely!

After your internship:

Establish and maintain contact. This is your way to secure that full-time or return intern role if you enjoyed working for the company! Keep in touch at the beginning and end of each semester after your experience. Share what you’ve been working on, tell them about your classes, and your experience as a whole. You’ve built a connection, keep it up because whenever something opens up they’ll think of you! They helped develop you, it’s only right to keep them updated!

Congratulate yourself, you’ve gained some valuable experience in your field, yay!

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