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How to Upgrade Your Resumé and Cover Letter for Your Dream Role

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Job searching is challenging, especially during a pandemic. This is why it's important to be strategic while on your search and build out your resume as a digital version of your professional self. Since we're navigating in a virtual space with little to no human interaction, it's imperative that your skills are highlighted everytime you send materials to a potential employer. There are still some rules of thumb that you should be focusing on when applying to roles and finalizing your resume and gathering your materials for preparation.

  1. Look into a company’s culture and voice. Every company wants to be spoken to differently. While your cover letter can help make it clear that you understand the brand, it’s not a bad idea to use some of the organization’s language within your resumé, too. Choosing terms and concepts that the organization values could inspire recruiters to give your resumé a second look.

  2. Don't send your CV into a black hole. Even when it’s difficult to know who is going to read your letter, do your best to find out where it goes. Does this organization outsource its HR? Are employees and managers in charge of the hiring process? Once you figure out a particular company’s methods, do some more digging and try to direct your resumé to the person who has the authority to bring you in for an interview.

  3. Apply to jobs intentionally. Finding a job can be a tough, long process. But pulling all-nighters to submit 10 applications a day won’t help make it any less daunting. You might as well breathe, be thoughtful, and take time to remind yourself that if you continue being smart and strategic, it will all ultimately work out.

  4. Don't let the job search impact your self-worth. Know that rejection is not a testiment of your work ethic or skills. The months of no callbacks and unanswered emails may take a toll, but remember that your worth is not measured by a company or a job. You are capable of being exemplary in many roles. Crafting your resumé is just a matter of presenting yourself in the right light.

  5. Make sure you are presenting your best assets in your resume and cover letter. Remember, potential employers have not met you yet, so all they know about you are these two pages of yourself that YOU have curated. Make sure you're bringing your best self when story telling through your resumé.

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