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New Year’s Resolution, Should You Leave Your Job?

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As we kick off the new year, thoughts about how to spend our time often lead us to reflect on our work life. Considering that the average person spends a whopping 90,000 hours a lifetime on the job, the significance of our career becomes undeniable. Your job isn't just a time investment; it can influence your daily happiness, overall mental and physical health, and financial stability. Therefore, it's crucial to ensure you're investing your time wisely in a role that's fulfilling, offers growth, and provides security.

Yet, figuring out if a role is worth sticking around for can be challenging. Here are five questions to ponder when contemplating a change in your current job:

1. What’s your daily mood like?

Without a doubt, our workplace significantly impacts our daily mood. It's normal to have both good and bad days, but when the bad days outnumber the good, it's time to take notice. Consider your work relationships, as they play a pivotal role in your mental state. Reflect on your interactions with superiors and colleagues—hostile, micromanaging, or frustrating dynamics may signal a need for a new work environment. If these relationships are poor and not repairable, it might be time to consider leaving.

2. Are you learning and growing?

While pay and work-life balance are essential, professional development is often overlooked. Opportunities to learn contribute significantly to job satisfaction. In a 2021 Pew Research Study, 63% of respondents cited a lack of advancement opportunities as a key reason for leaving. Evaluate how much your current employer prioritizes learning and professional development. If it's lacking, it might be a signal to explore new opportunities.

3. Do you have work-life balance?

Work-life balance is a critical factor impacting mental health. A 2019 study found that working long hours can negatively affect mental well-being. When considering a new role, think about the time you'll have to balance your daily life and work commitments.

4. Do you feel motivated by the mission?

Fulfilling work often trumps good pay and work-life balance. For many, a company's mission can compensate for many shortcomings. A robust mission aligning with employee values, fostering a positive work environment, and promoting a sense of belonging can significantly impact job satisfaction. Assess whether you believe in your company's mission and values, observing actions more than words.

5. Are you making enough?

Money plays a role in job satisfaction. Use tools like Comparably and Payscale to evaluate your compensation and benefits against industry standards. If your pay doesn't align or there's no hope for an increase, it might be time to explore new opportunities.

2024 may be a time for new beginnings in more ways than one. Remember, your career should enhance your life. Regularly reassessing your job satisfaction ensures you're on a path that aligns with your goals and values. If you're ready for your next opportunity, check out open roles at Happy job hunting!

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